Display Time and Date On Your LCD Using Arduino and I2C RTC DS1307.

Arduino RTC DS1307 Time Display in LCD

In this post i will show you how to use  I2C RTC DS1307 and Arduino to display real time and date on your LCD.

With the help of this project we can easily dispay the real date and time on (16x2 / 16x4) LCD. The DS1307  module works very well, however the external temperature can affect the frequency of the oscillator circuit which drives the DS1307’s internal counter.

Parts List:

To create this Real Time Clock project you will need a list of parts, that are given below:

(Click on the name to buy it)

(Note: Open these Two .ino Files provided in the (Arduino Code) Section with Arduino IDE Software and Compile. Then Upload The (First_Upload.ino) file and open the seriel monitor , and you will see there a running display of the current time and date. Then Upload the (Second_Upload.ino) file to see the time and date on your lcd display. )

Circuit Diagram-1:

You can use the Schematic below to connect the circuit.

Real Time Clock Display Circuit Diagram

Connection Procedure:

1. LCD With Arduino:

16x2 LCD Module Pin diagram:

16x2 LCD Module Pin diagram:

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module. Easily programmable and preferred over seven segments. Connect LCD (GND, R/W, Led-) pins to the Arduino's GND pin and (VCC, Led+) pins to the Arduino's 5V pin. Connect (VEE) pin to a 10K potentiometer. Now Connect LCD (RS, EN, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7)
pins to the Arduino's (22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32).

2. RTC DS1307 With Arduino:

You will need to solder some inline header pins so you can use jumper wires. Then connect the SDA, SCL, VCC and GND pins to your Arduino,
conect  SDA pin no 20 (for Arduino Mega) | pin no A4 (for Arduino Uno and pro mini).
conect  SCL pin no 21 (for Arduino Mega) | pin no A5 (for Arduino Uno and pro mini).
conect VCC  +5v
conect GND  gnd

Arduino Code:

Open this code with Arduino ide Software. Upload it to Arduino. You can also upgrade the code for better performance.

(In this Code (First_Upload) the notes and functions in the sketch refer only to the DS3231, the code also works with the DS1307.)

(Note: During Uploading The (First_Upload.ino) file change [setDs32231time(30,53,10,4,9,11,16)] with the current time, week and date. The time is set using 24-hour time, and the fourth paramter is the “day of week”. This falls between 1 and 7 which is Sunday to Saturday respectively.)

(Don't Compare this screenshot code with this Given code. I gave it to understand the process how to upload the code)

Arduino Ide Software Image

Video Demo:

If you got any problem to build Arduino Real Time LCD Clock project please let me know i will try my best to help.
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